
Saturday 14 May 2011


How you perceive Jesus makes all the difference. The world has the idea that He is just another moral teacher or a great prophet of His time. Jesus Himself asked the question: who do you say I am? Do you recognize Him as the “Anointed One”? How we perceive Him is so important for our faith.

“And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:58).

“Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?” (Matthew 13:54-55)

The people in Jesus’ hometown dismissed Him as “Just a carpenter’s son”. They know His mother Marry and His siblings. And given all these, they could not believe that the same Jesus could be anything other than the ordinary young man that grew up in the neighbourhood. Bible records that they lack faith in Him therefor, and because of their lack of faith, they could not receive anything from the “Messiah”.

It was not for lack of willingness or power on Jesus’ part that not many miracles happened, but for lack of faith. “Faith” receives from God, doubt and unbelief cannot! Jesus cares and was willing to “Do mighty works there”, but the Bible records that “they took offense at him”. 

Jesus, in turn, did not get offended by their rejection. In fact He was not surprised they reacted the way they did, commenting rather that, “A prophet is honoured everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family” (Matthew 13:57, NLT). Their problem was one of familiarity! And that familiarity bred doubt and unbelief.

As it was then, so it is today: “He didn’t do many miracles there because of their lack of faith”, so will He not do many miracles today where ever lack of faith persists! This is a profound and central spiritual principle. By it we are instructed that no one can hope to see any great move of God in their life without first putting their faith in the Lord Jesus as the One whom the Father sent and by whom He made all things and upholds them.

To receive the peace that Jesus gives, for example, you have to first see Him as He is revealed in the Scriptures, not according to our own opinion of Him. This is He who said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27, ESV). Jesus has “peace” to give.

No one can expect to receive anything from Jesus until they accept the testimony of the scriptures concerning Him and trust Him on that basis alone. We can receive His comfort, healing, salvation, and so on because we know Him, not as the carpenter’s son, but according to His works and the testimony of the word of God. Our greatest prayer then must be, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...” The more we know Him by revelation knowledge and accept Him, the stronger will be our faith in Him, and greater will be the manifestation of His power in our lives!

He did not do many miracles in His hometown in Nazareth because many of the people who really needed Him failed to see beyond His humble family life in the household of Joseph the carpenter. They failed to see Him as the Messiah that the prophets spoke about.

Your faith cannot rise above your knowledge of God. As you read and reflect on the scriptures daily, determine in your heart, therefore, to know Jesus and see Him as He truly is. Look to Him for the grace for each day. Put your trust in Him and let Him minister to every need in your life.

Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, is the Son of the most High God: He is our Lord and Saviour; He is our healer and deliverer. By His strength we can do all things!

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