
Thursday 13 May 2010


The life of a true Christian is, in a nutshell, a call to serve. Every follower of Christ is a minister: you are called to serve. Ministering to people rather than manipulating them to meet your needs is the most life changing, the most rewarding and the most joyful thing you can ever do. Greatness is not the focus of this “call”, but submitting to God in obedience and serving with humility is! It is a call to give freely of ourselves and to use our time and resources, not for selfish gain, but for the good of others.
To His disciples who were squabbling among themselves over who was going to be the greatest, Jesus said:
 ...”You’ve observed how godless rulers throw their weight around,” he said, “and when people get a little power how quickly it goes to their heads. It’s not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant.Mark 10:42-43 (The Message)
Notice how Jesus completely reverses the criteria for greatness and leadership. The greatest in the eyes of God is the person who serves the most.
Inspired by the words of Jesus, no doubt, J Oswald Sanders, in his timeless classic “Spiritual Leadership” (p.15), wrote: “True greatness, true leadership is found in giving yourself in service to others, not in coaxing or inducing others to serve you".
In God’s kingdom, the measure of your greatness is the quality of your service to others. It is so important that we re-calibrate our definition of greatness so that it bears those striking hallmarks of self-giving, humility, empathy, compassion, charity, and submission to God just as Jesus Himself illustrated all through His life and ministry on earth.
On one occasion, Jesus and His disciples were gathered, and there was no sign of the servant who was to wash their dusty feet as was both customary and hospitable in those days when people used to walk great distances on dusty roads. What Jesus did next both shocked and confused His disciples. Their Master had just taken off His robe, picked up the bowl of water and the towel just like the servant would normally do, and He began to wash their feet one by one.
So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to youJohn 13:12-15 (NKJV)
And the invaluable lesson of this is that:
“If you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them [if you act accordingly and really do them]”John 13:17 (AMP).
 And as Albert Schweitzer said, "One thing I know the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve". Seeking an opportunity to serve has never been a more pressing and urgent. True joy is reposed in a servant’s heart. And just as I was finishing this piece, I read in a friend’s facebook update the following quote which was attributed to Kay Arthur:
"What is your focus today? Joy comes when it is Jesus first, others second... then you”!
So true and so pertinent! How do you respond to the call to serve today? Are you focused on it? Kay Arthur’s quote reminds us to set the right priorities in our lives daily and not to rob ourselves of joy by becoming introverted, extolling the dubious virtues of “me first” mentality that is so prevalent today. There is a right priority to life and when we get it right by following Jesus’ example of selfless service; our hearts fill up with joy. This joy comes from the satisfaction of being able to make a difference.
In his book, “The Volunteer Revolution” (back cover), Bill Hybels wrote,
“Imagine what would happen if people in our world – by the masses – took up serving towels, draped them over their arms and willingly (even joyfully) served other people in their everyday lives. Such attitudes and actions would change our world!” He added, “In my view, people are never closer to living out the teachings of Christ than when they are adding value to someone else’s life. And people who are far from God are rarely impacted than when they see 21st century Christ-followers behaving as Christ behaved.”
You are at your very best when you serve, Christian. You are enriched and your heavenly Father is glorified by every single act of service you perform! Jesus by His exemplary life teaches us to seize the moment and make a difference not minding our reputation. He did not feel it beneath Him to wash the feet of His disciples, rather He encourages us to be the same way and serve each other. It’s time to hang up your robe, pick up the servant’s water bowl and towel!
As you seize upon the opportunities that will come your way daily to serve, know that God who has called you to such a Christ-like life is faithful and His grace is sufficient!
Pastor Victor Ubani

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